Further to the issued guidelines on the Beneficial Owner Register in Cyprus, by the Registry of Companies, the Interim Solution period for the UBO registration and submission of data will extend beyond the 31.07.2022 deadline. The interim solution period will continue for the time being and until the implementation of the final solution no penalties, will be imposed.
Registering the information on the UBO Register is not a once-off activity. Going onwards persistent and continuous data collection and filling of all current and future changes is essential.
For all new Companies incorporated or legal arrangements made from now on, there will be a 30-day filling period, from the day the incorporation or arrangement is made available.
We encourage all clients, existing and/or new ones, to proceed with both the registration and submission of the said information regardless. We can take care of the whole procedure on your behalf – setting up the required profile through Ariadne portal, appearing before the relevant authorities and proceeding with the UBO submissions thereafter.
